Σχεδιαστής: Francesco Rota
Soft form and easy modularity are the characteristics of the new seating system design by Francesco Rota
A real alternative to the successful ADD seating system – also designed by Francesco Rota , – PLUS despite being another modular system, is different both in terms of form and function
If ADD provided the perfect solution for the many needs of the corporate environment and other elements of the contract market, PLUS is the ideal proposal for lounge areas for the hospitality sector and the residential market.
The seating is wider, deeper and more generous, the structure loses its fine outline and elegant linear design; the new concept is about softness and big-heartedness rounded shapes.
PLUS offers a variety of units, and can be used in combination with the SCREEN partitions which are available in a lowered height of 82cm. The SCREEN can act as a backrest to the piece, providing welcome intimacy and a feeling of exclusion from the surroundings, with the added possibility of sound absorption. The SCREENS can be ordered in various forms and finishes, including tubes veneered in wood, pierced metal sheet or in fabric.
PLUS system is composed of elements of three different shapes: square or with a rounded end which provides a perfect fit with the curved shape of SCREEN partition. These elements are available in two heights offering different comfort levels. As an alternative to using the SCREEN, PLUS can also be fitted with an upholstered backrest either standing on the floor and fitted to the back of the seats or neater backrests attached directly to the seat.
For a greater comfort, loose cushions can be added: OORT designed by Francesco Rota are flexible, comfortable, and available in 5 sizes.
Finally, the PLUS system includes an armrest that can also be used as a side-table between two seats: its top of HPL Fenix or warm oak is also available with sockets to charge smartphones, tablets or notebooks.
LA PALMA: Η Μεγάλη Ιταλική Εταιρεία που είναι παγκοσμίως γνωστή για τα πασίγνωστα καθίσματα, καθιστικά και σκαμπώ μπαρ, τραπέζια και άλλα που δημιούργησαν Μεγάλοι Σχεδιαστές και καθιερώθηκαν σαν σύμβολα του Design. Γνωστό παράδειγμα το πολυβραβευμένο σκαμπώ Lem των Ιαπώνων Shin & Tomoko Azumi και το διάσημο Σύστημα καθιστικών πάγκων Za System των ιδίων που κοσμούν τουσ χώρους της ""Στέγης Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών"" του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση στην Αθήνα. Διάσημα ονόματα όπως οι Enzo Berti, Fabio Bortolani, Hannes Wettstein, Alfredo Haberli, Simon Pengelly, Romano Marcato και Piergiorgio Cazzaniga δημιουργούν τις Συλλογές της La Palma.
Η Μεγάλη Ιταλική Εταιρεία που είναι παγκοσμίως γνωστή για τα πασίγνωστα καθίσματα, καθιστικά και σκαμπώ μπαρ, τραπέζια και άλλα που δημιούργησαν Μεγάλοι Σχεδιαστές και καθιερώθηκαν σαν σύμβολα του Design. Γνωστό παράδειγμα το πολυβραβευμένο σκαμπό Lem των Ιαπώνων Shin & Tomoko Azumi και το διάσημο Σύστημα καθιστικών πάγκων Za System των ιδίων που κοσμούν τούς χώρους της Στέγης Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση στην Αθήνα. Διάσημα ονόματα όπως οι Enzo Berti, Fabio Bortolani, Hannes Wettstein, Alfredo Haberli, Simon Pengelly, Romano Marcato και Piergiorgio Cazzaniga δημιουργούν τις Συλλογές της La Palma.